2 Apr

Aulan, Alnarpsgården, Alnarp

Food Production and Consumption on a Changing Planet 2.0

The world is upside down. Interest in food is at an all time, and yet people know very little about where their food is coming from, how food production works, or what we need to do to feed a growing population on a changing planet.

We need to rethink, reshape and regrow our food system from the ground up. But how?

Join the discussion, as we welcome Lennart Olsson, Professor of Geography at Lund University, and Niklas Hjelm, Student entrepreneur and chairman at Hemmaodlat to an afternoon full of discussions about our current and upcoming food challenges - and what we can do about them. Everything from simplest of solutions, to the most radical ideas imaginable.

Doors open 16.00 with a pre-event mingle, event officially starts at 16.30.

More details about our speakers and the event will be released shortly.




Time: 2019-04-02 16:00 - 18:00
City: Alnarp
Location: Aulan, Alnarpsgården
Organiser: SLU Alumn / Green Innovation Park / VentureLab@SLU

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