7 Feb
8 Feb

SLU Campus Ultuna, Uppsala

2nd Nordic Field Trial Network (NFTN) Conference

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Welcome to a conference on ‘Innovations on technical possibilities in field trials‘, February 7-8, 2024.

This conference is dedicated to everyone with an interest in field trials and a desire to learn and develop methods. It starts with a welcome dinner the evening before the actual program. At the conference, you will meet and network with colleagues working with field trials on agricultural land in nordic countries.


Time: 2024-02-07 19:00 - 2024-02-08 16:00
City: Uppsala
Location: SLU Campus Ultuna
Organiser: SLU Fältforsk, Sweden; Danish Technological Institute, SEGES Innovation, Denmark; and NIBIO, Norway
Price: DKK 400
Additional info:

You find accommodation yourself. Uppsala is a large city with many options.

There are good train connections to Uppsala city from Stockholm and Arlanda. From the city there is a bus to the Ultuna Campus.

Included in the conference fee are: Dinner, 2 drinks, conference rooms at SLU, morning coffee, lunch, afternoon coffee and cake.
The fee of DKK 400, is charged after registration.

Registration closed. Conference fully booked.

Read more about NFTN

Read more about the conference


Conference dinner: 2024-02-07, 19:00, Place: Ulls Restaurang, Duhrevägen 8, Uppsala

Conference: 2024-02-08 9:00 - 16:00, Place: SLU, Loftets Bankettsal, Duhrevägen 8, Uppsala

Robotics in crop farming - pest monitoring approaches using machine learning and machine vision techniques

The integration of digitalization and robotics has improved crop monitoring practices, with notable advancements in the domain of pest monitoring. The development of smart robotic systems in crop farming enables a more efficient application of pesticides, ensuring they are used in the right quantity and locations. Therefore, cutting-edge monitoring technologies such as machine learning and various optical sensors in agricultural robots for identification and classification of pests and non-pest insects will be presented.
Speaker: Abozar Nasirahmadi, SLU

Can we leave field trials to the machines?

Vehicles steering on their own can potentially allowed more precise agriculture and agricultural tests. Summary of experience of testing self-driving agricultural vehicles and plans for their use in a new project ‘Rotational cereal with permanent bottom crops’, where they will be used in an intercropping system.
Speaker: Gunnar Larsson, SLU

Autonomy in experimental work for practical handling of tasks in field trials

Can you imagine a machine for experimental work which sets off the plot design itself, drills, applying fertilizes and spraying solutions – without manual control? TS Agro and Hushållningssällskapet will present the sketches of a self-propelled plotseeder that places fertilizer from a seeding box or bag, drills the crop from a seeding box or bag in one and the same machine, which is expected to be ready by March 2025
Speakers: Morten Nygaard, TS Agro and Sven-Åke Rydell, Hushållningssällskapet

How can drones replace time-consuming manual (and not accurate) registrations in field trials?

In this session, we will give a Nordic status on the use of drones for registration work in field trials. For example, counting spikes in the plots.
Speaker: Thomas Nitschke, Danish Technological Institute

How can drones contribute to plant breeding, and what advancements do they bring to the field?

I will present a few examples from our work on how drone image analysis with advanced algorithms can accelerate decision-making and increase efficiency of plant breeding programs.
Speaker: Aakash Chawade, SLU

What can you register with different drone cameras?

Various types of cameras are used by drones. You want that collected data is comparable between different flight sessions and preferably also between different cameras. We have compared a number of cameras and calibration methods to evaluate whether there are differences in the results.
Speakers: Mats Söderström, SLU och Igor Tihonov, Solvi

Field trials through image analysis of drone photo

We will share the uses and possibilities we see with drone photos in field trials after the work with the project "Improved evaluation of official field trials through image analysis of drone photos with machine learning".
Speakers: Pernilla Wahlquist and Ulrika Dyrlund Martinsson, Hushållningssällskapet

Reliable herbicide dose-response curves with logarithmic application and drone image analysis

How to extract growth indexes to use in as response in logarithmic dose-response trials with Open Source software R, and generate dose response curves with the packages FieldImageR and DRC
Speaker: Martin Gejl, AgroLab

OnFarmPlus: large-scale, sensor-intensive multi-plot field trials for testing of biostimulants and precision farming techniques

Biostimulants and precision farming techniques claim to improve outputs or mitigate negative side-effects in agricultural crop production due to an area-specific mode-of-action: the right thing at the right spot. This claim is difficult to address within the classical field trial setting, where trials typically are conducted on homogeneous high-productivity areas. Here, we present the OnFarmPlus trial concept that has been developed to address the differential treatment effect of biostimulants and precision farming techniques as a function of environmental conditions on a heterogeneous trial area.
Speaker: Philipp Trenél, Danish Technological Institute

Silencing the plant pests: The Revolutionary Role of Spray-Induced Gene Silencing in Plant Disease Control

Plant diseases poses a significant threat to global food security, necessitating innovative approaches for effective disease management. I will introduce the groundbreaking technique, Spray-Induced Gene Silencing (SIGS), as a potent strategy to combat plant pathogens. SIGS leverages RNA interference (RNAi) technology, enabling the targeted silencing of specific genes in plant pathogens. The method involves spraying double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules designed to match the genetic sequences of harmful pathogens directly onto plant surfaces. Upon contact, these dsRNA molecules trigger a gene silencing response in the pathogen, effectively impeding its ability to cause disease without altering the plant's own genetic makeup. I will also talk about the effectiveness of SIGS in controlling various plant diseases and the practical aspects of implementing SIGS, including the stability and delivery of dsRNA in field conditions, and the economic feasibility of this approach.
Speaker: Ramesh Vetukuri, SLU

How can precision agriculture techniques contribute to the breeding for low grain cadmium content in cereals?

In our project, we employ soil sensors to estimate soil variables (such as clay content, organic matter content, pH, and Cd) within each plot of a field. The objective is to enhance the prediction accuracy of Cd grain content by accounting for variations in these variables within and across fields.
Speakers: Therése Bengtsson, SLU and Mats Söderström, SLU


Do the big challenges of the future require new experimental designs?

The challenges of the future such as biodiversity, climate emissions, extreme weather, precision agriculture, forest farming, mix cropping are probably require rethinking of experimental designs. Participate in this round table discussion with both questions and ideas for solutions.
Facilitator: Philipp Trénel

Greater outcome of drones in the field trials

We will begin by allowing the participants to share their experiences with drones and their ideas for future use. This will likely stimulate a fruitful discussion around opportunities and potential pitfalls.
Facilitator: Thomas Nitschke