City: Umeå
Location: Curiosum
Organiser: Umeå Plant Science Centre, Curiosum, SLU, Umeå University
Curiosum, Umeå
We will show you the amazing world of plants. Pass by and get fascinated!
Which kind of plants have people eaten thousand years ago and how did they prepare their food? How does the pollen look like that causes allergies and how have the plants we eat developed over time? Find out what is the plant’s favourite food, discover their bacterial and fungal neighbours and be amazed at how different plants can look like. On the 21st of May, we invite you to a day filled with different activities around plants and plant research. Pass by and get fascinated!
At the Fascination of Plants Day, plant scientists will present their favourite plants, you can take a look into the underground life watching plant roots and their fungal friends, test how elastic plants are and do many more experiments.
Bonsaisällskapet will show bonsai trees from our forest trees and the Friends of Arboretum Norr will present the diversity of trees and bushes growing at the arboretum in Baggböle and that derive from different parts of the world. You can find all activities following the below programme link. Our mascot Flora will welcome you!
Umeå Plant Science Centre together with Curiosum, Umeå University and SLU are arranging the Fascination of Plants Day in Umeå. It is an international event and will be celebrated all over the world. More than 500 scientific institutions, universities, botanical gardens in more than 50 countries will open their doors to visitors.
Come and become part of this world-wide event and be amazed at the fascinating world of plants!
Link to more information and the full programme
Are you interested to read more about the Fascination of Plants Day in general? Have a look on these pages: https://plantday18may.org (official international page), https://www.fascinerandevaxtersdag.se (Swedish national page)