30 Nov


Alumni Talks

SLU alumni Georg Eriksson and Mascha Wendler.  Photos: Gidås and GIZ

Meet two alumni from SLU who will talk about what they have been up to since their studies. This time there is a focus on alumni with experience from international exchanges for studies and internships as well as careers outside of Sweden, and also including students with experiences from international exchanges.

Alumni Talks is a webinar series with the opportunity to listen to alumni who will share stories from their time as students, talk about what they have been doing since they graduated and give you a sneak peek of what they are doing today. This session has a focus on alumni who have done internships/studies abroad and has a career outside of Sweden, and will also provide some time for students to share their experiences from international exchanges.

Welcome to listen and ask questions.

Language: English


13.00 Alumni Talks: Masha Wendler and Georg Eriksson

13.40 Student experiences: Tirajeh Borzabadi Farahani, Landscape Architecture for Sustainable Urbanisation (Master), and Ana Reverter Perdiz, Fish and Wildlife Management (Master)

14.10 Information about international internships and student exchanges: Dana Rocklin, SLU Mobility



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Masha Wendler, Junior Advisor Agricultural Finance, GIZ Nigeria

Georg Eriksson, CEO and founder Gidås Sustainability Agency

Tirajeh Borzabadi Farahani, Currently doing an internship in France, Landscape Architecture for Sustainable Urbanisation student.

Ana Reverter Perdiz, Erasmus Ambassador, exchange student in Finland, Iceland and Chile, Fish and Wildlife Management student.



Masha Wendler

Mascha graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Anthropology and History from the University of Heidelberg in 2015. From 2016 until 2018 she completed the SLU Master of Science program in Rural Development and Natural Resource Management. For her master thesis she conducted a field research in the West Bank on the local food sovereignty movement.

In 2018/2019, Mascha was funded by the SLU Erasmus+ Internship mobility program for an internship at the UN World Food Program (WFP) in Berlin, working in their Communications department. After the internship with WFP, Mascha did an internship with GIZ, the German development agency, in the field of inclusive business models in agriculture in Malawi and continued to work for the same project as a Development Advisor thereafter. In this role she advised a Malawian commodity exchange on their engagement with smallholder farmers. Since November 2021 Mascha has been working for GIZ in Nigeria on a project promoting the increase of financial inclusion for the agricultural sector.


Georg Eriksson

Georg graduated in 2017 as an Agronomist with a master’s degree in economics and a double degree MSc in Environmental Management for Business at Cranfield university, the UK. He spent more than two years on international exchange, first at the University of Illinois back in 2015, the US, and second at Cranfield funded by the Erasmus program between 2016/2017.

Georg started his own consultancy firm after he graduated focusing on sustainability reporting for companies covered by the EU act on non-financial disclosures reporting directive. He quickly became aware of the challenges companies face when collecting activity data and implementing strategic frameworks for sustainability across their organisations. Therefore, he started developing a digital management tool which now has been released on the market called Emma – Emission accounting. Read more about Emma here: www.emma.gidas.se.

The consultancy today covers the following topics: Sustainability reporting, Life Cycle analysis, Environmental product declarations, Carbon Reporting, Quality Assurance and Emma. Learn more about the consultancy here: www.gidas.se.

Bedsides being CEO and lead consultant at Gids, Georg spend much of his time exploring the Jämtland mountains and forests. Two evenings per week he also leads Jympa/Aerobics training at Friskis and Svettis Östersund.


Time: 2022-11-30 13:00 - 14:30
City: Online
Organiser: Department of educational affairs