10 Jun

Via Zoom

One Welfare - we are all connected!

seminars, workshops |
Close up of a horse mule and a hand. Photo.

The Swedish Centre for Animal Welfare (SCAW), SLU, their Nordic and Baltic partners within NordCAW, in collaboration with SLU Future One Health, are arranging a half-day online seminar about One Welfare. One Welfare emphasizes the connection between animal welfare, human well-being and a sustainable environment.

The seminar will take place on Thursday June 10th, 1.00- 4.30 pm

Rebecca Rebeca García Pinillos, initiator of the One Welfare Concept, will open the seminar, followed by presentations of a wide array of themes:

  • ​Livestock health and welfare and social implications of improved animal welfare
  • Animal health and welfare equals livelihood in low income countries: livestock and working animals
  • Biodiversity, planetary health and wildlife health, crime and trade​​
  • Animal-assisted interventions 
  • The link between abuse and neglect of animals and violence in close relations



One Welfare – we are all connected

Thursday June 10th, 13.00- 16.30.
Webinar by Zoom
Moderator: Lotta Berg

Section 1 13.00-13.30 Introduction
Welcome and introduction. Lotta Berg, Prof. and Director at SLU Swedish Centre for Animal Welfare

An introduction to One Welfare and the One Welfare Framework. Rebeca García Pinillos, PhD, Specialist in animal welfare science, ethics and law, ECAWBM & RCVS. Initiator to the One Welfare concept.

Short break 13.30-13.35

Section 2 13.35-14.00 Livestock health and welfare, sustainability and human wellbeing
Farmer welfare and animal welfare Bjørn Gunnar Hansen, dairy researcher

Problems of sheep transport in hot and cold climates, contextualizing this with impacts on human wellbeing Francesca Carnovale, PhD student, Estonian University of Life Sciences

Short break 14.00-14.05

Section 3 14.00 – 14.30 Animal health and welfare equals livelihood in low income countries: livestock and working animals
Livestock and Livelihoods in Africa: Maximising Animal Welfare and Human Wellbeing Stephen Devereux, researcher from the UK Institute of Development Studies

Working equines Welfare, human welbeing and organic cocoa production in Nicaragua Fredred Valdivia, Msc in Rural Development, Regional Director, for Latin America & Caribbean, Brooke

Break 14.30-14.45

Section 4 14.45-15.30 Biodiversity, environment, wildlife trade, animal welfare and human well-being
One Welfare and Planetary Health as outcomes of effective natural resource governance Päivi Abernethy, PhD, Senior scientist, Natural Resources Institute Finland

Wildlife health in a One Welfare context Aleksija Neimanis, PhD, National Veterinary Institute, Sweden

Wildlife trade and crime Ragnhild Sollund, Prof. University of Oslo

Short break 15.30-15.35

Section 5 15.35-16.20 Vulnerable people and vulnerable animals
Animal Assisted Interventions and the impact on elderly peoples’ health and quality of life Ingeborg Pedersen, Assoc. prof. Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Animal Assisted Interventions – effects on animal welfare Lena Lidfors, Prof. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

The link between animal and human neglect and abuse Dr. Freda Scott Park

16.20-16.30 Closure of the meeting Lotta Berg