City: Uppsala
Additional info:
Applications are to be sent by e-mail to Claudia.von.Bromssen@slu.se.
R tidyverse is a collection of packages that makes it easier to handle data. For example, it provides easy to read code to filter out observations using certain conditions, to select specific variables, create new variables or to compute group means or other data summaries.
Statistics@SLU has started working with the work on instructions with typical SLU applications and need some test person to do them and give us feedback. Therefore we would like to invite you to a workshop on June 14, 9-12 in Ultuna. As prerequisites it is an advantage to know some R already. We will work in RStudio, bring your own computer if possible and have RStudio and the package tidyverse and ggplot2 installed. You can also bring your own data and test the new functions on it.
We have about 20 spots available. First come - first serve. Apply by sending me an email to Claudia.von.Bromssen@slu.se
Applications are to be sent by e-mail to Claudia.von.Bromssen@slu.se.