12 Dec

Lecture room Björken at SLU, Umeå

Perspectives on Trophic Rewilding – reflections on the consequences of large mammal restoration

events | seminars, workshops |

The symposium is organized by the ECOS research school and aims to describe and stimulate discussion of trophic rewilding as part of large mammal restoration.

In a series of four talks, researchers from different parts of the world will present examples and their views on the benefits and challenges associated with trophic rewilding from ecological, social and economic perspectives. All welcome!


13.00-13.15 Opening by Associate Prof. Joris Cromsigt

13.15-13.45 Associate Prof. Robert Pringle, Dept of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University. Rebuilding a wilderness: Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique.

13.45-14.15 Dr. Marietjie Landman, Dept. of Zoology, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa. Consequences of restoring elephant populations in South Africa.

14.15-14.45 Fika

14.45-15.15 Dr. Liesbeth Bakker, Aquatic Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology, the Netherlands. Trophic rewilding in an urbanised delta: incentives and outcomes of trophic rewilding in The Netherlands.

15.15-15.45 Dr. Janina Priebe, Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Umeå University. Tracing ideas of wilderness and rewilding from a historical perspective.

15.45-16.00 Final questions led by Associate Prof. Joris Cromsigt

16.00 Informal mingle with ECOS PhD students