13.00-13.15 Opening by Associate Prof. Joris Cromsigt
13.15-13.45 Associate Prof. Robert Pringle, Dept of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University. Rebuilding a wilderness: Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique.
13.45-14.15 Dr. Marietjie Landman, Dept. of Zoology, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa. Consequences of restoring elephant populations in South Africa.
14.15-14.45 Fika
14.45-15.15 Dr. Liesbeth Bakker, Aquatic Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology, the Netherlands. Trophic rewilding in an urbanised delta: incentives and outcomes of trophic rewilding in The Netherlands.
15.15-15.45 Dr. Janina Priebe, Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Umeå University. Tracing ideas of wilderness and rewilding from a historical perspective.
15.45-16.00 Final questions led by Associate Prof. Joris Cromsigt
16.00 Informal mingle with ECOS PhD students