The Career Connect careers portal – more than just a place to find work

SLU’s career portal is designed for both students and recent graduates.
Career Connect makes it easier for you to connect with interesting employers while still studying. You can use the platform to learn more about working life and explore your future career options – you don’t need to be actively looking for jobs. There is an events calendar with an array of activities from careers fairs to webinars as well as employer profiles.
By registering with Career Connect, you will have access to:
- inspiration and careers advice ahead of working life;
- part-time jobs and summer jobs;
- degree project proposals;
- placements;
- graduate jobs;
- career events;
- company profiles.
The Career Connect portal is a collaboration between SLU and JobTeaser.
Information on the Processing of Personal Data in the Career Portal Career Connect (Please note that this document is currently only available in Swedish.)
Getting started:
You can always go back and update your personal details in the career portal. If you need any help, the JobTeasers student help centre (link) has answers to many questions. |