SLU Mobility
The Mobility Team provides information about studies abroad, selects and nominates exchange students, administers scholarships etc.
Email to:
Please write your travel report according to the following headings in a word-document.
The report should be written in English, also applies to you who study on a programme that is taught in Swedish. A selection of travel reports will be published on the student web.
Upload your report according to the instructions in the MoveOn database, preferably along with a couple of photos from your exchange.
Thank you!
Name and Surname
Exchange at:
Name of host university
Programme at SLU:
Write your programme at SLU
Period of exchange:
Semester (for example autumn 2020)
Summary of travel report:
Between 3 -4 sentences to summarize your exchange.
Why did you want to do an exchange?
Write your report here.
Which courses did you take?
Course name and, if possible, code. Some information about the course, if you enjoyed it, if it was taught in a different language than English. We also appreciate it if you say something about how you experienced the education and university overall from an academic perspective.
What was the student life like outside of your courses?
Sports? Travel? Trips to famous (or less known) sites? Student associations?
What was your best experience during your exchange?
Write your answer here.
What was the biggest challenge during your exchange?
Write your answer here.
Advice for future exchange students
You are welcome to put your email address here for other students to contact you with questions (optional).
Attach 3 – 4 photographs, and a short description of what is in the photo. The photos need to be of a good resolution, if possible original size (optional).
The Mobility Team provides information about studies abroad, selects and nominates exchange students, administers scholarships etc.
Email to: