My desktop

Last changed: 10 November 2023

By connecting to the "My Desktop" service, you get access to SLU's standard applications and the documents and files that you have stored on a SLU computer.

My desktop can be used both from SLU's network and from home on your own computer, tablet or phone. All you need is a browser and internet connection.

  • Through the service, all students from all kind of devices can access the applications that are also in SLU's computer rooms.
  • You can access your home directory and all files that you have stored on SLU's storage.
  • You have the opportunity to use more resource-intensive programs, such as statistics programs.
  • You do not have to download and install programs on your local computer, you can run them directly through the service instead.

To get started

With Microsoft Edge

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your student account; ad\[student account]
  3. Password: [your password]
  4. Select application from the list.

With app for Mac, iOS eller Android

Mac: Download and open the Remote Desktop client from Appstore.

IOS: Install the app Microsoft Remote Desktop from Appstore.

Android: Install the app Microsoft Remote Desktop from Google

  1. Click the plus-symbol and choose Add Workspace.
  2. URL:
  3. User name: ad\[ditt studentkonto]
  4. Password: [ditt lösenord]
  5. Select application from the list.