018-67 34 47 / 018- 67 20 18
Take the opportunity to participate in the competitions with your degree project. These competitions are available to the participants of Thesis Day. Everyone who submits their poster by the due date is automatically part of the competition for the best poster award. The other two are optional to participate in.
All posters submitted by the due date are part of the best poster competition. An academic jury will review the posters and present the award during the events in Alnarp and Ultuna.
Submission due date:
20 May 2025 (for Ultuna participants)
27 May 2025 (for Alnarp participants)
An academic jury will select the best poster using the following criterias:
The winners will receive their award during the events in Alnarp and Ultuna.
Tips from the jury (SLU Play)
Take the opportunity to put the spotlight on your project during the event at Alnarp or Ultuna.
How can your thesis save the world? Pitch the essence of your thesis to show how it helps meeting the Sustainable Development Goals to a jury of SLU alumni from a broad field of expertise.
SDG: Which of the Sustainable Development Goals does your thesis address? More information about the goals (
Need: What is the global need for your idea? Describe the problem.
Approach: What is your approach to the identified topic/need? Describe your solution.
Benefits: What are the benefits for people or nature with your idea/topic?
Describe the positive effects of your idea of a solution.
Obstacles: Are there any obstacles for your idea to make true global change?
The winners will be announced at the events in Alnarp or Uppsala, where they will receive the awards and provide a brief description of the project.
Karin Hakelius
Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Sustainability
Lena Olsén
Senior Lecturer, Department of Clinical Sciences
Roger Petterson
Head of Division, Division of Learning and Digitalisation
Jannie Teinler
Communications Officer, SLU Library
Johanna Grundström
Communications Officer, Unit for Collaboration and Development
Fredrik Fernqvist
Senior Lecturer, Department of People and Society
Anders Larsson
Senior Lecturer, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management
Åsa Ode
Librarian, SLU Library
Daniel Albertsson
Librarian and SDG specialist, SLU Library
Ellen Anker-Kofoed
Coordinator National Food Strategy, Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth
Ioannis Dimitriou
Associate Professor and Senior research advisor, SLU
Kalle Mälson
Environmental Manager at the Division of Infrastructure, SLU
Fanny Blom
SLU alumna and Project Manager, STUNS
018-67 34 47 / 018- 67 20 18