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Genetics, Cell Biology and Microbiology

The course content is covered in lectures, compulsory group exercises and laboratory practicals where the laboratory training is an important part of the course. Course topics include:

  • structure, function and morphology of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells as well as viruses

  • the flow of genetic information: DNA-replication, RNA-synthesis, RNA-splicing and protein synthesis

  • biological membranes, transport mechanisms and communication within and among cells

  • cell division and formation of sex cells

  • inheritance theory of Mendel and its extension

  • genetic recombination and linkage analysis

  • mutations

  • population genetics and conservation of genetic diversity

  • quantitative genetics

  • microbial cell structure, physiology, metabolism, genetics and growth

  • the impact of microorganisms on biogeochemical cycles as well as their ecological interactions between each other and with macroscopic organisms

  • methods for the isolation, cultivation and characterization of microorganisms

  • methods for disinfection and sterilization

  • antimicrobial substances and the development of resistance

  • microbial systematics and taxonomy

  • information retrieval and written presentation of experimental data

The course focuses on the following general competencies:

group dynamics and self-development, communication, information literacy, critical thinking and ethics.

Information from the course leader

Angående den rekommenderade kursboken för delkursen i mikrobiologi

Observera att den rekommenderade kursboken (Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 16e upplagan) främst är tänkt att fungera som stöd för inlärning utöver kursens föreläsningar. Kursdeltagare ska därför inte känna sig tvingade att skaffa sig sitt eget exemplar av kursboken – men den kan vara till hjälp för att förstå olika koncept inom mikrobiologi med hjälp av andra infallsvinklar och ytterligare exempel utöver de som används inom delkursens föreläsningar. (Det är dessutom en väldigt välskriven och intressant bok om ett mycket spännande och dynamiskt ämne.) De studenter som känner sig osäkra på om de behöver investera i sitt eget exemplar av kursboken får gärna kontakta ansvarige person för delkursen (Tomas Linder,

Course evaluation

Additional course evaluations for BI1440

Academic year 2023/2024

Genetics, Cell Biology and Microbiology (BI1440-10446)

2023-08-28 - 2023-10-30

Syllabus and other information

Litterature list

Course Book - genetics and cell biology

Biology - A Global Approach, 11th/12th edition
Campbell, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky and Reece
ISBN: 9781292170435

Course Book - microbiology

Brock Biology of Microorganisms, Global edition- 16e upplagan. Pearson Education
Michael T. Madigan et al.
ISBN: 9781292404790


Also included are lecture presentations, articles, laboratory instructions and text linked to practice tasks as course literature. These documents are available on Canvas under modules and pages linked to the sections where this course literature is referenced as well as in the file archive. These documents are continuously uploaded during the course.

Course facts

The course is offered as an independent course: Yes The course is offered as a programme course: Biology and Environmental Science - Bachelor's Programme Crop Production (BSc) Tuition fee: Tuition fee only for non-EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens: 38060 SEK Cycle: Bachelor’s level (G1F)
Subject: Biology
Course code: BI1440 Application code: SLU-10259 Location: Uppsala Distance course: No Language: Swedish Responsible department: Department of Plant Biology Pace: 100%