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Ny Accomodation in Alnarp

SLU in Alnarp lies in a green oasis in the centre of the Öresund region. The area consists of a large, lush park where teaching, studies and research are continually being carried out. Alnarp is part of Lomma Municipality and there are direct bus connections to Lomma, Lund and Malmö. Lomma, Åkarp and Arlöv are all within cycling distance of Alnarp. Trains run from Lomma to most of south-west Skåne.

Alnarp location

Alnarp is part of Lomma Municipality and there are direct bus connections to Lomma, Lund and Malmö. Lomma, Åkarp and Arlöv are all within cycling distance of Alnarp. Trains run from Lomma to most of south-west Skåne.

Please select the description below that most accurately describes you

Students with accomodation guarantee

Fee paying Master students and fee paying Bachelor students (Non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens) are guaranteed housing if you have been admitted in the first admission round, but still need to submit an application for housing.

Non-fee paying students (EU/EEA/Swiss citizens).

Non-fee paying students can apply but are not guarenteed accomodation. From the autumn term of 2023 onwards, SLU will no longer enter into new rental agreements with non-fee paying students due to a new regulation from the government. The property management company Academic Hus will assume responsibility for managing accommodation on the Alnarp campus for non-fee paying students and other groups not subject to the regulation, starting from the autumn semester of 2024. A link will be provided here shortly.

Exchange/internship students

Students at a partner university that has an exchange agreement with SLU are welcome to apply, however accommodation cannot be guaranteed.

PhD students/PostDocs/Guest lecturers/Guest researchers

PhD students/PostDocs/Guest lecturers/Guest researchers that are not employed by SLU are welcome to apply, however accommodation cannot be guaranteed.

Published: 26 April 2024 - Page editor: utb-webb@slu.se