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Department of Forest Ecology and Management

There are 13 pages tagged with Department of Forest Ecology and Management:

Urban forests: Governance & Management of Urban Forests

Governance & Management of Urban Forests - introducing Nature-based Thinking urbanfutures@slu.se The concept of Nature-based Thinking embodies the perspective of nature with people, rather than

Professorial inauguration – lectures

Professorial inauguration – lectures helena.pennlov@slu.se On Friday 19 April professors from Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala will be inaugurated at SLU Ultuna. Illustrations: Fredrik Saarkoppel,

Urban Forests - Survey your moves

Urban Forests: Survey your moves – with focus on urban green spaces urbanfutures@slu.se How important are urban forests for physical activity and human health? What can we learn from dog owners?

Urban Forests webinar with Åsa Ode Sang

Urban Forests: Co-producing knowledge on Nature-Based Solutions with municipalities – challenges and opportunities hanna.weiber.post@slu.se Welcome to the next webinar in the Urban Forest series,

Let's talk science! Do the trees talk to each other?

annika.mossing@slu.se Let's talk science! is a seminar series inititated by the Faculty of forest sciences to invigorate the scientific conversation within SLU. This time we invite you to discuss

Urban Forests - Green & Blue Infrastructure for Urban Health and Well-Being

Green & Blue Infrastructure for Urban Health and Well-Being hanna.weiber.post@slu.se The spring semester's third and last webinar in the series on urban forests, arranged by SLU Urban Futures and

Urban Forests -A more diverse forestry

A more diverse forestry hanna.weiber.post@slu.se Helena Dehlin is a Nature Conservation Specialist and responsible for issues related to Green Infrastructure at the Swedish Forest Agency. Helena

Getting our Cities Right #3 - Umeå

Conference: Getting our Cities Right #3 - From Green Infrastructure to Urban Forestscapes hanna.weiber.post@slu.se Welcome to the third conference in the series 'Getting our Cities Right' organised

Urban Forests - Johan Östberg

The tree population of Swedish cities – development and challenges during the past five years viktor.karlsson@slu.se The webinar series on urban forests, arranged by SLU Urban Futures and Future

Future analysis of the management of urban forests

Future analysis of the management of urban forests viktor.karlsson@slu.se The webinar series on urban forests, arranged by SLU Urban Futures and Future Forests, closes the autumn webinars with a

Upplev regnskogens återkomst med SLU

In north-eastern Borneo, one of the world's largest rainforest replanting projects is underway with the aim of restoring the entire ecosystem. Researchers from SLU are working there to create the

Adaptive governance of urban green spaces across Latin America – Insights amid COVID-19

Adaptive governance of urban green spaces across Latin America – Insights amid COVID-19 hanna.weiber.post@slu.se The webinar series on urban forests, arranged by SLU Urban Futures and Future
