29 Oct
30 Oct

Hotell Strandpiren, Sundsvall/Hudiksvall

2nd Annual meeting for SLU Forest Damage Research School

meetings |
Welcome at annual meeting. Photo.

Welcome to the second annual meeting of the SLU Forest Damage Research School. The second annual meeting will be hosted by Holmen together with SCA and will take place at Hotel Strandpiren in Hudiksvall.

It will be 1,5 days filled with presentations of the different PhD. projects, networking, planning for future activities and an excursion.

The meeting is open for all students in the SLU Forest Damage Research School, supervisors and external partners of the research school.

Please register via the link below. All participants need to register.

Last day to register - 30 September 2024

Registration is now closed


The meeting is organized by SLU Forest Damage Centre together with Holmen and SCA. The meeting is free of charge. Holmen and SCA will host the meeting and support the cost for the meeting dinner at Tuesday, 29 October and the field trip on Wednesday, 30 October. Please, let us know when you register if you need a seat on the bus for the fieldtrip.

Participants, external partners and supervisors, will pay their own travel and hotel costs. The SLU Forest Damage Research School will cover all cost for Ph.D. students.

There are a limited number of rooms available at the Hotel so Ph.D student need to share rooms. When register please indicate with whom you like to share room (if not indicated we will arrange a roommate for you). Rooms for the student will be booked and paid by the research school after registration.

Supervisors and other participants need to make their own room reservation and pay their own hotel costs at Hotel Strandpiren.

The program starts at 8.30 Tuesday, 29 October. Therefore rooms are pre-reserved at Strandpiren the 28 and 29 October.

The annual meeting will be held in English.


Time: 2024-10-29 - 2024-10-30
City: Sundsvall/Hudiksvall
Location: Hotell Strandpiren
Organiser: SLU Forest Damage Centre Research school
Last signup date: 30 September 2024


Tuesday, 29 October 2024

7:00 Breakfast 

8:30 Welcome Åke Olson, Olov Norgren and Ola Kårén

8:45 Warm up

9:15 Research presentations by PhD students

10:00 Fika

10:30 Research presentations by PhD students

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Research presentations by PhD students

14:30 Fika

15:00 Planning new activities for 2025

16:30-17:00 Summary Åke Olson, Information of meetings and courses, Introduction to the excursion 

18:00 Dinner


Wednesday, 30 October2024

7:00 Breakfast     

8:00 Field trip / The bus leave 8.00!

12:00 Field lunch

14:00 Drop of at the train station and hotel in Hudiksvall

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ake.olson@slu.se, 018-671876