The forest, the soil, the machine
Course evaluation
The course evaluation is now closed
SH0144-10269 - Course evaluation report
Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.
Additional course evaluations for SH0144
Academic year 2023/2024
The forest, the soil, the machine (SH0144-10166)
2023-08-28 - 2023-10-30
Academic year 2021/2022
The forest, the soil, the machine (SH0144-10023)
2021-08-30 - 2021-11-01
Academic year 2020/2021
The forest, the soil, the machine (SH0144-10001)
2020-08-31 - 2020-11-01
Academic year 2019/2020
The forest, the soil, the machine (SH0144-10038)
2019-09-02 - 2019-10-31
Academic year 2018/2019
The forest, the soil, the machine (SH0144-10084)
2018-09-03 - 2018-11-11
Academic year 2017/2018
The forest, the soil, the machine (SH0144-10183)
2017-08-28 - 2017-11-05
Academic year 2016/2017
The forest, the soil, the machine (SH0144-10185)
2016-08-29 - 2016-11-06
Academic year 2015/2016
The forest, the soil, the machine (SH0144-10114)
2015-08-31 - 2015-11-01
Syllabus and other information
SH0144 The forest, the soil, the machine, 15.0 Credits
Skogen, marken, maskinenSubjects
Forest Management Forest ManagementEducation cycle
Bachelor’s levelModules
Title | Credits | Code |
Ecology 1 | 7.5 | 0302 |
Forest technology | 7.5 | 0303 |
Advanced study in the main field
First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirementsBachelor’s level (G1N)
Grading scale
The grade requirements within the course grading system are set out in specific criteria. These criteria must be available by the course start at the latest.
SwedishPrior knowledge
General entry requirements for first-cycle studies and- Mathematics 2a or Mathematics 2b or Mathematics 2c
- Science Studies 2
- Social Studies 1b or Social Studies 1a1
- Forestry basic programmes and
- Professional or vocational experience equivalent 6 months
The student should after completed course
be able to identify rock - and soil types, decide texture and be able to account for the soil types distribution in the landscape
be able to account for the soil-forming processes and for what that can be inferred from the soil profile
be able to account for common fresh water ecosystems in the forest landscape
be able to account for the building of the plants and life processes
understand the principles behind sustainable development
be able to account for structure, function, properties and the use of the machines and vehicles that are used in the forestry
understand basic logistic principles and be orientated about occurring systems and equipments for the secondary transports of the forestry
be able to describe the technical and economic preconditions for forest road maintenance and assess a roads suitability for timber transport
be able to carry out harvesting planning at object level
have been trained in to prepare and carry out oral talks
The course is an introductory course to forestry where the emphasis is placed at the ecological and technological preconditions for persistent using of the natural resource forest. The course takes on the biological side up different ecosystems in the forested landscape and on the technical side the usage of different machine systems and technology for harvesting and further transport. Apart from lectures the course contains a high grade of proficiency training with many compulsory practical exercises in field.
Grading form
The grade requirements within the course grading system are set out in specific criteria. These criteria must be available by the course start at the latest.Formats and requirements for examination
If the student has not passed on a test, examiner has the right to give a supplementary assignment if there is cause for it and if it is possible.
If the student has a decision from SLU about particularly educational support due to physical disability has examiner right to give an adapted test or let the student carry out the test in an alternative way.
If this course syllabus is changed or if the course is closed down SLU should determine about transition rules for examination of students who have been admitted according to this course syllabus and still not have passed.
If a student has failed an examination, the examiner has the right to issue supplementary assignments. This applies if it is possible and there are grounds to do so.
The examiner can provide an adapted assessment to students entitled to study support for students with disabilities following a decision by the university. Examiners may also issue an adapted examination or provide an alternative way for the students to take the exam.
If this syllabus is withdrawn, SLU may introduce transitional provisions for examining students admitted based on this syllabus and who have not yet passed the course.
For the assessment of an independent project (degree project), the examiner may also allow a student to add supplemental information after the deadline for submission. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Other information
The right to participate in teaching and/or supervision only applies for the course instance the student was admitted to and registered on.
If there are special reasons, students are entitled to participate in components with compulsory attendance when the course is given again. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Additional information
- The right to participate in teaching and/or supervision applies only the course date that the student has become admitted to and registered on.- If special circumstances apply, the student has the right to participate in the part that requires compulsory attendance at a later course date. Further information is in the rule collection of the education.
- Compulsory travels with over night staying can occur. A certain cost per the over night staying will be taken out of student.
Responsible department
School for Forest Management
Litterature list
Del 1: Skogen som miljö
Skoglig produktionsekologi - ståndortsanpassning i skogsbruket. Royne Andersson, Jonas Bergqvist, Bert-Åke Näslund, Skogsstyrelsen 2017, ISBN 978-91-87535-11-6, 232 sidor.
Kapitel 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14
Skogens vatten – om vattenhänsyn i skogsbruket. Stefan Bleckert, Lennart Henrikson, Erik Degerman. Södra Skogsägarna, Mellanskog, Norrskog och Norra Skogsägarna 2010, ISBN 978-91-633-7874-4, 172 sidor. Hela boken.
Kompendium i skoglig marklära. *Torbjörn Valund, *Skogsmästarskolan, SLU.
Sidor 7-17 plus bilagor
Grön energi från skogen. Per-Erik Persson, Mora in Europe AB 2011. (Delar av boken)
**Kompendium i trädkännedom. **Börje Drakenberg, Institutionen för Skogens Ekologi och Skötsel, SLU.
Nedanstående sidor ur kompendium kommer att finnas som PDF-fil på Canvas:
Sidor 7-8 (avsnittet om bladställningens betydelse), 14, 18. Läs översiktligt sidorna 13 samt 25-26 (Pinus). Kompendium i trädkännedom**.** Börje Drakenberg, Institutionen för Skogens Ekologi och Skötsel, SLU.
- Vetenskaplig artikel: Lindner M., Maroschek M., Netherer S., Kremer A., Barbati A., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Seidl R., (...), Marchetti M. (2010) Climate change impacts, adaptive capacity, and vulnerability of European forest ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 698-709.
- Föreläsningar och övrigt utdelat material
- Egna anteckningar under exkursioner och övningar
Del 2: Skogsteknik
Föreläsningsanteckningar och utdelat material
**Arbete i avverkningslag ***Per‐Erik Persson *
Utdrag ur Terrängmaskinen Skogforsk
Digitalt tillgänglig litteratur på Canvas eller i kursmapp
Anvisningar för projektering och byggande av skogsbilvägar klass 3** ****och 4. **Skogsstyrelsen
**Branschgemensam miljöpolicy för markskador. ***LRF, Skogsindustrierna *
**Information om APSE och ABSE. ***APSE Kommittén *
**Liten skogsteknisk ordlista & formelsamling. ***Lindroos Nordfjell *
**Skogstekniska tidsbegrepp. ***Roland Larsson *
**Prestationsprognoser. ***Roland Larsson *
**Skogsbruk med hänsyn till vatten. ***Skogforsk Handledning *
**Skogsbruksindex ‐ ****ett nytt effektivitetsmått för skogsbranschen. ***Skogforsk Artikel* *
**Terrängtypschemat. ***Skogforsk *
**FÄLTHANDBOK. ***Skogsstyrelsen *
Målbilder för god miljöhänsyn: **Körning i skogsmark. ***Skogsstyrelsen *
Teknik för skogsbränslehantering – system, metoder, utveckling. *SLU, Torbjörn Valund *
*= Dokument konverterat från webartikel.