4 Nov
6 Nov

Viken, Umeå

Data for estimation and modelling of forest resources

seminars, workshops |

Welcome to participate in open lectures and datalab “Data for estimation and modelling of forest resources” 4th-6th of November 2019.

Lectures and datalabs within the PhD course “Data for estimation and modelling of forest resources” are open for everyone with an interest in SLU:s systematic forest and landscape data.


  • At SLU in Umeå, room Viken, level 2,
  • Through interactive video meeting (contact anna-lena.axelsson@slu.se for invitation)
  • Through SLU:s video service (links below) 

The lectures will be recorded and will also be available after the course.

Bring your own computer if you want to participate in the Open Datalab on Monday 4th of November 14-16.

We appreciate if you notify your participation by mailing Anna-Lena Axelsson anna-lena.axelsson@slu.se


Time: 2019-11-04 11:15 - 2019-11-06 15:00
City: Umeå
Location: Viken
Organiser: Skogsdatalab
Additional info:

The PhD course is part of the research school “Bioeconomy-adapted forest management” (BECFOR)


The open event is organized with support from:









Monday 4/11



11:15 – 12:00

Presentation: Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI) and Swedish Forest Soil Inventory (SFSI) - general

Jonas Fridman, head of NFI

Viken, SLU in Umeå or video


13:00 – 13:45

Continued presentation : Applications of NFI and SFSI

Jonas Fridman, head of NFI



14:00 – 16:00

Open Datalab:  Hands-on exercise on how to use NFI web tools. Bring your own computer.

Analysis experts,  NFI

Viken, SLU in Umeå. No video.







Tuesday 5/11

9:15 – 11:00

Presentation: Landscape and habitat data (NILS/THUF)

Henrik Hedenås, head of NILS

Viken, SLU in Umeå or video



11:15 – 12:00

Presentation: Research Infrastructure – services, support and training for researchers.

Anna-Lena Axelsson, coordinator Terrestrial Research Infrastructure




Wednesday 6/11

9:15 – 10:00

Sample plot data as reference and evaluation data for Remote sensing applications

Mats Nilsson, head of Remote sensing lab

Viken, SLU in Umeå or video



10:15 – 11:00

Minipanel: Using forest data in research – from the researchers’ point of view

Anna-Lena Axelsson,

invited researchers



11:15 – 12:00

Analysis tool based on permanent NFI and SFSI sample plots - “green base”

David Alger/Hans Petersson database manager/researcher


