Job hunting inspiration

Last changed: 14 May 2024

All job applications start with you. And so, we have compiled a number of tips and strategies to make life easier as you hunt for jobs. Take a moment to reflect on who you are and what is important to you as you take the next step in your career.

Applying for jobs often requires a lot of preparation. Perhaps you need to learn more about working life in general, start contacting employers, or explore your job possibilities. The next step involves navigating job search websites, reading vacancies, tailoring your CV and your application to each job you apply for, arranging references and practising before interviews.

Finding a job

There are many different ways of applying for a job. Here you will find tips on how to increase the chances of getting your dream job.

Writing your CV and Cover letter

A well-prepared application improves your odds of actually getting the job you want. Here you will find tips on how to write a good CV and application letter.

Network your way to a job

Use your contacts to increase your chances of getting your dream job.

Doctoral programmes

Is there a specific subject that you would like to study at a more advanced level? As a paid doctoral student, you get to develop your scientific approach, teach students and practice your leadership.

Starting a business

Are you thinking of starting up your own business? There are lots of resources and support services available while you are a student, so make the most of them!